Assisting Individuals in Crisis and Peer Support

Crisis intervention is NOT psychotherapy; rather it is a specialized acute emergency mental health intervention which requires specialized training. As physical first-aid is to surgery, crisis intervention is to psychotherapy. Thus, crisis intervention is sometimes called "emotional first-aid." Most crisis interventions are typically done individually (one-on-one). This program is designed to teach participants the fundamentals of, and a specific protocol for, individual intervention and increased Emergency Mental Health Skills. At the completion of this course, participants will be able to: list at least four fundamental principles of crisis intervention; describe common psychiatric symptoms after trauma; demonstrate crisis communication techniques; and list risk factors for suicide. (13 contact hours.)

Completion of the CISM: Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support class and receipt of a certificate indicating full attendance (13 contact hours) qualifies as a CORE class in ICISF's Certificate of Specialized Training Program. Go to ICISF course description.

CISM: Individual Crisis Intervention and Peer Support

  • Concept of CISM as a comprehensive crisis intervention program
  • Understanding the role that individual crisis intervention plays in the comprehensive CISM program
  • Basic terms and concepts relevant to the study of crisis, traumatic stress, and crisis intervention
  • Differential utilities of selected crisis communication
  • Psychological reactions to crisis and trauma including common psychopathological conditions
  • SAFER protocol for individual crisis intervention and its role in comprehensive CISM
  • Use of the SAFER protocol for individual crisis intervention
  • Practice in the use of the SAFER protocol for individual crisis intervention
  • Common problems encountered while working with individual in crisis

Call SCLEAP office for time, location and cost. Local law enforcement agencies are invited to use SCLEAP staff and host a training event.


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