South Carolina Law Enforcement Assistance Program
Serving SCDPS employees and their families statewide.


The South Carolina Law Enforcement Assistance Program (SCLEAP) was born out of the actual needs of tate police officers serving in the field as well as non-sworn administrative staff members and their families. Modeled on a concept currently used by the FBI, SCLEAP is an employee assistance program which provides services as well as maintaingin a cadre of volunteer chaplains across the state. The staff and volunteers are on-call 24 haours per day, 7 days per wiik, in order to better serve the needs of all SCDPS employees.


A Unique Partnership

The SCLEAP is a unique partnership between SCDPS, South Carolina Law Enforcement Division, South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, and the South Carolina Department of Probation, Parole, and Pardon. It serves more than 2,500 state police officers as well as non-sworn employees and all family members. Each agency has an equal claim on the energy and resources of professional staff.



Eric Skidmore
Pager 1-800-202-9144

Ron Kenyon
Pager 1-800-712-6954

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Copyright 2016 South Carolina Law Enforcement Employee Assistance Program
Site designed and managed by Janet Katz and Joseph Katz, Paladin Services LLC,