The Changing Face of Crisis and Disaster Mental Health Intervention: A Competency-Based Update

The field of crisis and disaster mental health intervention is rapidly changing. Keeping up with the current research and changes can be difficult. The purpose of this workshop is to provide participants with an integrated synopsis of program innovations, consensus reviews, and research findings relevant to crisis and disaster mental health intervention. This workshop is offered as a "one-stop shopping" opportunity to gain the latest information on issues and changes that are essential to the domains of critical incident stress management, crisis, and disaster response.

This is a competency-based workshop that will serve to satisfy ICISF requirements for ICISF Trained Trainers and those seeking Certificates of Advanced Training. This workshop is intended for anyone who has an interest in crisis and disaster mental health intervention.

Program Highlights:

  • Consensus recommendations for disaster mental health
  • Foundations of psychological triage
  • Reviews of research findings
  • Innovations in critical incident response
  • Recommendations on practice guidelines
  • Revolving lessons learned

Completion of "The Changing Face of Crisis and Disaster Mental Health Intervention: A Competency-Based Update" and receipt of a certificate indicating full attendance (7 contact hours) qualifies as a class in ICISF's Certificate of Specialized Training Program.

Call SCLEAP office for time, location and cost. Local law enforcement agencies are invited to use SCLEAP staff and host a training event.


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